Become a Member

Indian Heritage Cities Network Foundation (IHCNF) in association with HCDNS constitutes a network of Urban Local Bodies, governmental and non-governmental institutions and dedicated individuals of Indian and foreign origins. The network aims to take forward the agenda of sustainable development of historic Indian cities through a heritage-sensitive approach and provides technical and academic solutions in order to bring about a change in the way heritage cities are planned and managed today.
Privileges And Benefits To Members
Access to Information.
Support for Projects through sourcing of skills, expertise, and supervision.
Networking with Cities/Organizations for the dissemination of best practices, success stories, and city-based issues.
Support in addressing heritage issues through legal as well as technical advisory.
Providing support to a panel of experts for specific heritage projects on a nominal fee basis.
Broad-based technical review of projects on a nominal fee basis, for its approach and nature taking into cognizance the heritage
values of a place.
Professional Service Support.
Preparing model heritage building bye-laws.
Review City Master Plan prepared by the cities to assess the integration of heritage into the planning exercise.
Training and Capacity Building of elected representative and officials on nominal fees.
Skill Upgradation Programme of masons and artisans on a nominal fee basis.
Capacity Development Programme on nominal fees basis in areas such as preparation of Heritage Resource Management Plan, training of engineer, urban planners, urban managers, developing Heritage Walks etc.
Developing training modules for urban managers, planners and engineers.
HCDNS Membership Fees
Mega City 3,00,000/-
Emerging Mega Cities 2,00,000/-
Metro Cities 1,00,000/-
Medium Cities 75,000/-
Small Cities 50,000/-
Large Towns 25,000/-
Medium Towns 15,000/-
Small Towns 10,000/-
Mega City 2,00,000/-
Emerging Mega Cities 1,00,000/-
Metro Cities 75,000/-
Medium Cities 50,000/-
Small Cities 25,000/-
Other Cities 10,000/-
Institutional Member NIL
Individual Members (Patrons, Honorary Members, Founder Members, Members, Associate Members) 2,500/-


IHCNF got registered as a Trust on 27th March 2009 establishing it as an independent Indian organization. Its secretariat was initially set up in Mysore, Karnataka with the support of Government of Karnataka.

What we do


Venkatappa Art Gallery, Kasturba Road, Bangalore Karnataka -560001

+91 08 2286 6286

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