IHCNF principally works in collaboration with Government of India, various State Governments
In this respect, in 2015 Government of India has appointed IHCNF as City Anchor for Badami in Karnataka and as partnering City Anchor for Amravati in Andhra and Ajmer in Rajasthan for the prestigious Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY), a flagship programme of the Government of India.
IHCNF also has representation in the form of IHCNF Chapters in Jaipur and Delhi where it has earlier worked and has been working with a team of resource people and experts for carrying out various projects and activities of the organization. IHCNF’s strength lies in its networking and working with a team of experts from varied fields linked to heritage education, tourism, planning, infrastructure and development among several other associated fields. The IHCNF team has an in-house team of advisors who have specialization in varied fields including of tourism, infrastructure development, urban development, heritage conservation and administration.
Member Cities
- Centre for Heritage, Environment & Development (c-hed), Cochin
- Dronah, New Delhi
- CII, Jaipur
- FICCI, Jaipur
- Friends of Vrindavan
- ICOMOS, New Delhi
- INTACH Pondicherry Chapter
- INTACH Shekhawati Chapter
- INTACH Jammu Chapter
- INTACH Varanasi Chapter
- Jaipur Archaeology and Museum Dept.
- Jaipur Development Authority
- Sangar Vidaya Sabha Trust, Jaipur
- Jaipur Virasat Foundation
- Les Amis du Shekhawati
- Living Heritage Alliance, Bhopal
- All India Institutes of Local Self Government, Mumbai
- Association of Municipalities and Development Authorities, New Delhi
- CEPT University, Ahmedabad
- Deccan College Post-graduate & Research Institute, Pune
- Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bangalore
- Karnataka State Open University, Mysore
- National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi
- NALSAR University, Hyderabad
- National Institute of Tourism & Hospitality Management,
Government of Andhra Pradesh - Department of Civil Engineering and Regional Centre for Urban
and Environment Studies, Osmania University, Hyderabad - School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal
- School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi
- University of Mysore, Karnataka
IHCNF got registered as a Trust on 27th March 2009 establishing it as an independent Indian organization. Its secretariat was initially set up in Mysore, Karnataka with the support of Government of Karnataka.
Designed By Vinay Banigol
What we do
About IHCN-F
Contact Us
Venkatappa Art Gallery, Kasturba Road, Bangalore Karnataka -560001
+91 08 2286 6286