Training Programmes

Heritage Guide Training Workshop was held in Bidar on 21st February 2015 for a group of 40 local people from Bidar who were interested in being trained as guides for tourists in the city. It was a joint initiative of Deccan Heritage Foundation (DHF), the Indian Heritage Cities Network Foundation and Bidar District Administration and Tourism Department. The event was headed by Dr. Helen Philon from DHF and included site visits and orientation programmes. The programme was supported by the ASI Site officials in Bidar and included visits to ASI protected monuments.
A 2-days workshop on Heritage Conservation, Planning and Management were organized at the State Institute of Urban Development in Mysore for the Urban Managers and officers from DMA, DTCP etc., understanding urban heritage, documenting and mapping of heritage and heritage in the context of Masterplan were part of the workshop sessions. The sessions additionally included legal framework and field study concepts as well.

Sensitisation Workshop for Heritage Clubs, 31 July 2015

There are 150 heritage clubs in Karnataka, who are partially funded by GoK. A sensitization workshop was organized on the 31st of July 2015 in Mysuru. This was funded by Department of Kannada and Culture, GoK. This was conducted with the support of IHCNF.ITIHAS a Delhi based NGO conducted this workshop.
IHCNF organizes masons training workshops to increase the skill level in traditional building techniques for the benefit of Urban Local Bodies that can be replicated and multiplied. Beyond training, this project is eventually aimed to culminate in a publication of documented traditional regional-based techniques which, until now have been only orally transmitted and are thus in danger of being lost. The training results in the ‘certification’ of unskilled and semi-skilled construction workers which upgrade their skills and earning capacity per day. The workshops were organized in Mysuru (24th to 26th August 2015), Bidar (8th to 10th December 2015), Bijapur ( 5th to 7th January 2016) and Gulbarga (25-27th January 2016).
IHCNF got registered as a Trust on 27th March 2009 establishing it as an independent Indian organization. Its secretariat was initially set up in Mysore, Karnataka with the support of Government of Karnataka.
Designed By Vinay Banigol
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Venkatappa Art Gallery, Kasturba Road, Bangalore Karnataka -560001
+91 08 2286 6286